Transport Loan

  1. Condition for Individual Transport Owner:
  2. Account must be operated for a minimum period of six (6) months. However, customers with good turnover from other financial institutions may be considered after three (3) months.
  3. The customer shall provide 20-50% of the cost of the vehicle as cash lien.
  • Collateral in the form of movable or non-movable properties may be considered as security.
  1. The vehicle shall be comprehensively insured to cover the entire duration of the facility and the Bank shall be the “Loss Payee”.
  2. Vehicle tracking device shall be installed in the vehicle.
  3. The vehicle shall be registered in the sole name of the Bank.
  4. Condition for organized Union(s):
  5. Account must be operated for a minimum period of six (6) months. However, unions with good turnover from other financial institutions may be considered after three (3) months.
  6. The customer shall provide 20-30% of the cost of the vehicle as cash lien.
  • The union shall provide an irrevocable contract of indemnity in support of the facility.
  1. Collateral in the form of movable or non-movable properties may be considered as security.
  2. The vehicle shall be registered in the joint name of the Bank and the Union.
  3. The vehicle shall be comprehensively insured to cover the entire duration of the facility and the Bank shall be the “Loss Payee”.
  • Vehicle tracking device shall be installed in the vehicle.